Aluminium tubes are widely used in the processing and food industries. They are used, among others, in the manufacture of leisure products, refrigeration systems, and automotive parts.
Aluminium is valued by manufacturers for its lightness, flexibility, and strength. Aluminium profiles are also corrosion-resistant and conduct heat and electricity very well.
Thanks to this versatile combination of properties, aluminium tubes have an advantage over steel sections.
High-quality aluminium tubes at affordable prices
We offer smooth aluminium tubes in 6060 (PA38) grade in various sizes, easy to tailor to specific needs. The following sizes are available:
6060 (PA38) aluminium tubes are made of high-strength alloy with excellent corrosion resistance and machinability, fairly easy to form into any shape.
It is the perfect choice for applications where strength, durability, and moisture resistance are required. 6060 aluminium tubes also conduct heat very well and can withstand temperatures of up to approximately 200°C.
Due to their properties, they are used in means of transport, bridge components, and residential and commercial buildings. They are also perfect for the manufacture of sports equipment, handrails, lighting, and many other products.
We take a flexible approach to customer needs, offering aluminium tubes cut to size. You can order sections of any length but not less than 1 m.
Our aluminium tubes come from well-known manufacturers and meet the applicable standards.
Customers appreciate us for the high quality of our products and attractive terms of cooperation. For large quantities, lower prices can be negotiated!
Nicrometal S.A.
Droga Starotoruńska 5
87-100 Toruń
tel. +48 56 653 85 10
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REGON: 871562746
KRS: 0000420869
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