The project involves the development of a technology for the recovery of polymeric material from post-consumer colour-printed film (PET-G) and the production of pellets for further use in the production of polymeric components. The study will analyse the changes in the chemical structure and physical properties of the polymer (base material of the film) through cleaning and processing and identify ways of using the newly developed product.
The aim of the development work is to identify technical ways to counteract the effects of changes in the polymer chain as a result of processing and to restore the material to a structure similar to the original.
The research will make it possible to define technological assumptions for the recycling of post-consumer PET-G film and to prepare documentation and construct a demonstration plant to produce pellets from printed PET-G film.
Given all capabilities of the technology, this solution is innovative on the Polish, European, and possibly global market as it is probably the only one that gives financial and environmental benefits from recycling the film in a way other than incorporating it for alternative fuels. The solution integrates all the features typical of comprehensive film recovery, such as:
- Compact line design based on commercially available machinery and equipment
- 100% recoverability of the printed film (with a higher energy intensity of the process compared to less printing)
- The possibility of doping the material to improve its physical and chemical properties
- Low negative environmental impact due to the low volume of film treatment products
Our solution has a wide range of possible applications and, as R&D-based preliminary market analysis shows, can provide tangible benefits in the short term. The technology gives a material that can be perfectly suitable for the production of commercially desirable but currently expensive plastics, such as elastomer, or, if doped with carbon nanotubes, for the manufacture of new unique products.
Project co-financed by the European Union and National Funds under the National Centre for Research and Development and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management: GEKON – Generator of Ecological Concepts.
Project implemented as part of a competition of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW): GEKON (2) – Generator of Ecological Concepts.
Project value: PLN 12,048,291.00
NCBR/NFOŚiGW contribution: PLN 9,628,297.00
Project implementation period: 2016-2018