Quality and environmental management policy

The core business line of Nicrometal S.A. is the comprehensive collection of waste generated during production processes in industrial plants, the recycling and sale of high-alloy steel and aluminium scrap, and customer consultancy related to a broadly defined environmental policy.

The Management Board of Nicrometal S.A. requires all employees and suppliers of the company to observe the following rules and recommendations:

  • Take measures to prevent environmental pollution
  • Conduct business in compliance with applicable legislation
  • Invest in the latest technology and develop staff skills
  • Respond to all customer comments and meet their requirements and expectations
  • Optimise operations to improve environmental performance
  • Be effectively involved in the environmental policy of the city and the region
  • Collect and deliver products on time in accordance with procedures and instructions
  • Analyse all environmental aspects on a continuous basis

The Management Board is obliged to take the following measures:

  • Improve the company’s processes in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and provide the means necessary for the effective operation of the implemented Environmental Management System based on PN-EN ISO 14001:2015.

The targets set for 2024 include primarily modernisations and investments that reduce the negative impact on the environment, such as:

  • Reducing atmospheric emissions by replacing the car fleet
  • Contributing to the conservation of forest resources by reducing the use of paper as an information medium
  • Reducing the consumption of electricity sourced from the national grid thanks to the use of photovoltaic panels

All the assumptions contained in the Quality and Environmental Management Policy are known and respected by all employees of Nicrometal S.A.

Gospodarka cyrkulacyjna z Nicrometal S.A.

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