Are you looking for an experienced partner for comprehensive industrial waste management? Nicrometal is a choice you won’t regret. We serve nearly 1,000 different entities throughout Poland, providing services of the highest quality.
Safety and efficiency in recycling
We provide collection and management of hazardous industrial waste, including petroleum-based ones. Our company also specializes in the disposal of cleaners and by-products generated by technological processes in various industries.
Cooperation with the chemical industry
Nicrometal is a proud partner for the chemical industry, offering experience and expertise in waste management. If your business is focused on the chemical industry, Nicrometal is a partner that knows your specific needs and challenges..
Our commitment to the environment
Serving the chemical industry, Nicrometal accentuates its commitment to the environment. Ecology is embedded in our company’s mission, which is committed to the responsible acquisition, storage, transportation, segregation and recycling of industrial waste.
Honest relations with customers
We focus on honest relationships with our customers. We build our reputation through long-term cooperation based on mutual benefits. Join the ranks of our satisfied partners.
We support sustainable development
One of the global challenges facing the chemical industry is the growing recognition and commitment to responsible consumption and production in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. In this context, Nicrometal is in line with global trends, directing its activities toward solutions in line with the principles of a circular economy.
We look forward to hearing from you
Contact us today to find out how we can help your company effectively manage its industrial waste.
Nicrometal S.A.
Droga Starotoruńska 5
87-100 Toruń
tel. +48 56 653 85 10
tel./fax +48 56 653 85 20
NIP: 9562054187
REGON: 871562746
KRS: 0000420869
Nr BDO 000006304
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